had a blast wit Maria yestday evening. been awhile. we gotta hang out soon. and yes. hope to see u at zoukout. finally get to meet up the belo Farina in LT. rindu amat sama dat cewek giler. farina has neva change abit. i swear. and her hair. wah.. mau challenge gue eh? makin blonde nmpak. well. thanks for the discounted hot cocoa Rin. see u at zoukout too..
back to me and maria. well. we talked alot. from girls to boys. yes. maria is HOTTER now. and damn fark u boys who ignored her last time and now she's hot u wanna ask her out. wrong bad move. coz i obviously told my lil cookie. they are just up for alil something juicier. when at da fers place. y be ignorant?! Yasin has always accepted the way u are so. be happy wit Yas. u both deserve each other. for the other boys. last warning. from the breakdancer to indie pop and band member. u can all kiss her boobs goodbye!!
this week. left with few days. Nur Qistina will be leaving us for Doha. Joining the Qatar Airlines. Bah! I was planning wit Yan for a surprise meetup with Tina and the gang. bt sadly the rest did not reply me. bt some cant make it and some CAN. well. eventually. i wanna sms Yan when i accidentally sms TINA!!!! OMG! Ok. aku kental..!! Tina laughed and me and said im kental ofcoz. Yan again said. 'kau memang kental..' for the fers time. i actually spoiled da whole surprise thingy which was usually Amy's job to do so back in poly.. haha. and so Tina was being sportaneous and mentioned she will act surprise. hehehe. well. hope to see her and the some of us this wed. this will still go on with or without the rest. i badly need to meet her else i'll be crying at da airport this friday. i need some quality time with her. after all. some says. me and her look-alike. which we don think so. =p
LURVE U gerl. muacks.

gonna miss this gerl loads. arent she pretty. damn she's hot.
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