Why do these kinda ppl easily piss me off! Like wtf. Enuff is enuff with the bitching BITCH. Fark u, ur farking mouth, your heart and where the hell ur brain go to?! Eventhough u are not doing this to me, but u are doing it to one of my closest gf. I tot the fight was over.. the stupid issue was done and over it. But hell no!! u and ur mutherfarking mouth has the tendency of KISS and TELL.
When I was told dat there are some ethnic grp-ism in that dept coming out from someone barely a month old here. I was surprised. Im not trying to diss any ethnic here then again, y the fark that son of a bitch gotta say that? If you dislike or had bad experience with that ethnic grp/race den just fark it. U need not say things bout it. Dont u think of the consequences? Partly I was mad coz after all saya ini melayu tapi bapak gue org..(go figure) and my future family in law is your ethnic grp/race and we get along just fine. Im keeping an eye on her. PERIOD.
But this morning dear gf poured out almost everything during breakfast about that one Bitch. Things are now over for u and her.. y are u kissing and telling others. Mcm chibye kn! And those ppl barely know u and u have known her for almost 3 yrs or more. But y are u telling them your story and wat?! Mintak balas kasihan?! Kiss my ass bitch. Story from Tuas bole sampai East Side?! Then eventually the story bout her which you tell to others and that one racist bitch happened to spread the whole issue to some girls and that some girls told one innocent girl who happen to be my dear gf future sister-in-law. You know they are all related as friends and now story has reach to the main person. Kau bodoh ke apa ar..? its call Chain Reaction. Kurang ajar betul.
Now wad the fark are u expecting? Dear gf is just sitting next to you in the office. Seriously mana otak kau pegi la pompan. Takda care betul. And to the other bitch, apasal tak kena gaya when u and her in the toilet? Are you scared or wat?! If you have done wrong, fark it be bold ok. Kalau takut jgn buat!
I reali had enuff of this. Ive been quiet for far too long. They are in a grp but often gave me the stares when Im alone. Honestly I don give a fark. All I know you girls are now under observation. You can make a whole out of noise and brag bout the so-called holiday that you all are planning. Seriously me and gf TAK HERAN. Though I came from a different dept, I cant stand this piece of bullshit anymore. I do not want to interfere but then again this is way to much for me to chew and swallow.
Im waiting for the right time. If they try to be funny with me and start staring, I don give a fark but to confront them. Furthermore I don smile at them anymore. Why be nice when you bitches are solely true mutherfarking bitches. im just waiting for the right time to end my 2006.
For now, im done BITCHING bout the BITCHES.
Fark it.
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