IE Window Shopping
the reason for why they say "you can shop at the comfort of your own space.. "
Yup sure did works for me.
Right now, just doing the IE Window shopping and at the same time I'm confuse.
Which to choose. Just like the site itself, OSF does made me being fickle-minded too. :)
First time..
I've never felt like this towards someone. never! and now i admit that it's true, i think i wanna hit myself hard on my forehead!*yakdush*
ok done.
but still same feelings same thoughts.
Though we are still doing our rounds of visiting relatives, and gosh I still have not met my cousins! I miss them so. Maybe that's why I felt the difference. 1st day raya without them teasing me endlessly made a whole truck loads difference!
I miss Maria, Farah and her daughter Emelda Sofea, Ati, Kak Ana, Fai, Aish.. and their other halfs. Kak Mimi, you're missed too! I wanna hug and kiss Sarah and make Marsha cry!
I just hope this coming weekend I get to meet them. Go visiting around Khatib.
Where also I have plenty of open houses to go. Penat tau! I admit Syawal is bulan yang mulia, but I love Ramadhan more. Period!
Besides all that, I'm gaining weight and I've been slogging my "life" with work. I so need a break soon. As soon as project goes live and handover are done to Operations. I am suppose to take part in 5km run this coming 18th. But with tight schedule and no time to train, 90% i'm giving it a miss. Oh then again, 17th Oct - Reggae Night at Siloso!!! So how to party then to run the next morning, right?
This blog design gotta change. oh even the name, too. so damn merepek when I tot about it. haha.
Just another Thursday
i've lost of words to let it all out.
I guess the easiest and fastest way to let words of emotion to be known its when it happened right there and then. I had my fair share of unprofessionalism.
When I'm too overwhelmed with 101 things to do in 1 minute. I turned nothing but Ugly.
The best way of having this Office Communicator at work, is simply put a busy status with a note "Please avoid talking to me today" It did work for a while, but sometimes I forgot that people don't read. Meaning simply don't bother to.
But hey it's all good on the 2nd half of the day. I trasformed from mean and ugly to Miss Nurul so nice. yup. I do need space and where is my partner in crime when I needed her most. on mc when i'm all down and dead bored at work. *gasp for air*
Ranting nonsense here. It's the T day. yup T days are not my so fav days. These "T" days are the busiest days ever and often, I will be notice like as if I could eat someone up.
Side note, Lebaran is drawing really near. Once again I'm still feeling down bout not being able to fast during LailatulQadar. Ramadhan is such a beautiful peaceful month. Despite I did made RuxtA angry on 2nd week of fast. My bad. Super small issue which I turned it into
a huge ball of nonsence. Simpy unnecessary. Too late for that ay? ILY dear!
Celebrating lebaran as Husband and Wife this year is uber exciting. Honestly, the forgiveness part scares me. yups!
On another side note, work and more work have taken most of my time. both wkdays and wkends. I so need a break! But project still ongoing, one of my senior is going back to his country and will be away for 3 weeks. Hence I will be taking over his scope for the remaning modules before the project is close. COming to work knowing you have work to do is better than not having things to do, that will be scarier. Will you lose your job or you won't. *bah!*
This entry is getting no where to conclusion. So i'm ending it here. gibberish since line 1.
4-ish randomness
We went to look for Raya sandal for Aidil at which we ended up at Pedro. Well thank goodness for there were me and lene, as his personal sandal stylist. lol. boys being boys waited outside while we girls helped aidil out. He left the shop, happy and satisfied. *hurray!*
Went for more jalan2 over at Taka.. more shoes found in Stadium. Oh gee thanks and now im so deeply in lup sama Vans White Mikalah.. and earlier i saw the Pink Sperry at Leftfoot. *hinting to hubby here.. GRINS*
We ended up outside Taka, with most of them with shopping bags hehe.. and played something like Taboo. Team Kurus vs Team Gemok.. Team Kurus won 3 games in a row. Tho there were only 12 of us, definately a fun short gathering. I miss those times. Well I shall not say more than wad I'm really thinking. ALL are being MISSED. Honest!!
Ok selamat pagi to all. I shall get ready for Sahur but then again. take my sahur but can't fast. yes with a valid reason that is. Sad still tho im nt suppose to feel that way, but I can't celebrate the last 10 days of Ramadhan.
Mini's Part I
Today we started on Chocolate Chip cookies and we doing mini ones for '09. Like mom in law said.. "Biar kecik-kecik kan lawa mcm orang ye.." ehem.. *blush*
So we're done with this one, gonna bake M&M's Choco Chip cookies next week, Cheesey Stars/Stick and Kueh Layang-Layang. Most probably malam raya, wanna try bake Brownies for 1st day of raya. :)
Hello Mr Saturday....
Here i am sitting in the office at 0700hrs, pretty much can't close my eyes anymore to sleep.
Feeling all bright today, I decided to put on a purple tshirt with my nike air max 90. Hey maybe I shall start naming my sneakers from now on, just for fun of it. =p
I have so much to say due to one story I heard. Ok maybe not heard but read through FB. Well save it for later then because my mind can't stop thinking of something. Since the time I saw IT, I really wanna grab it, have it, look at it and to love it.
But sadly, I don't think I could have it right now. Tho I really want to, but it's a WANT not a NEED.
Oh I can't stop thinking of you..........

Hehe!! Do visit Low Cost Weekends for other deals..
Flea & Fun
Sup New Tees..
Sup new tees are in store and i'm in lurve with this particular piece.
To view more, visit Sup Clothing
Picture courtesy of Yasin, Mr 36.
Me and RuxtA still waiting patiently for Sup Jeans to arrive in store.. *drools*

PS: Support LOCAL.
Quotables (Repost by Elfie->Lene)
Nonetheless Lene, do you know reading your posts makes me wanna blog again. LOL! It's so true.
. words is just like words, they form distinctive meanings. see what i mean
. true love is like this for me. admiring yourself in the mirror, at the same time looking out for flaws to cover before facing the world
. i've always thought that i'm humble. but then again, i wasn't great for a start
. i used to dislike certain people. now i tend to like those that i dislike, owing to the fact that i try not to be disliked by others
. to get a point, you have to get to the point. but the point is, there is no point. so stop pointing
. addiction, habit and emotion is a state of mind
. whenever i have too many unanswered questions, i don't question anymore
. when my honest opinions mistook has a sarcasm, there is nothing i can do actually
. i've occasionally gives out advice, i think i need them back for myself
. to err is human, to forgive is, always
. i just realized that i can't unravel the implications of, karma.
. few that believes in me, but never believe me
. the only time i think i'm a psychic is when i stop explaining, myself
. i never thought that i'm in a very difficult position in life. looking at others misfortune and setbacks, made me appreciate what i have. but then, funny how it is difficult to appreciate
. if i ever expect others to change, i quickly realized that it's hard to change, myself
. when i offer, i never expect anything in return - except sincerity
. sorry is not the hardest thing to say, but to feel sorry for someone is painful
. i think i'm unique, just like everyone else
. i thought i ever saw Sick Boy from Trainspotting in that classic bell ringing pointing finger in the mirror before
. i have never learned my mistakes, i just try to avoid doing it again
. this is serious-ly, nothing important
. whatever mentioned above, is strictly random and free from deceit. lines and phases found elsewhere is solely coincidence
- elfie prima putra
*taken from Lene' Blog
Funny that all those stated are so darn true. For my case, this one got me real hard.
mind and heart. do doubt bout it.
. if i ever expect others to change, i quickly realized that it's hard to change, myself
"Assert your right to make a few mistakes. If people can't accept your imperfections, that's their fault."
Our Rings are ready for collection!! Gonna collect it next thursday.
Arrgghh so excited.. :)
Apart from that, I traded in my Sony Ericsson W960i to this LG Secret.
A simple phone yet I'm beginning to love it.
lack of updates for mainly because work has taken out so much energy out of me since im lacking of it. im down with a flu, sore throat and fever come and go. due to project and conducting training and support users, i choose to be here at work. yes bodoh mmg bodoh.
but looking at the bright side of every angle, today is a friday and for once, i would really really love to be home today, resting. no dinner, plans for tonite. except that if im feeling well, i'll go for a jog. remedy to a feverish or lazy/tired body is to overwork it alil more.. like seriously! it does works for me; sometimes.
i still have pending pictures to upload from yantee's hen's party with the girls last friday. no worries ladies, it will be privatized and also wednesday dinner with "starbucks lt cheerleaders" gfs. In brief summary, yan's hen's party was the bomb. from Vivo to B&J at Demsey Hill, to Ngee Ann Poly and Oohtique (Sizzling Hot!). Great company, great lovely time we had rite girls.. All I can say, when you have some "corrupted" minds gfs in 1 room, its chaotic! (its a good thing, rite?) well go figure. We're just girls who wanna have fun. *winks*
Then dat nite, N.E.R.D - Pharell William like omg! I was jumping like crazee. Well everyone in that theater were. Singing along, shouting and whats not. Mainly those who went, still had that N.E.R.D energy since they came out from the venue. I had mine still intact til the next morning. yup. crazee aint it!!
Me and RuxtA did our indoor/outdoor shoot. Wet saturday, but did not dampen our mood at all. We proceeded and we're glad it's over. Can't wait to view those pictures. Especially that Sunset moment and Rainbow shot (both on the same venue) side by side. I love you RuxtA!!
so much of the lack of updates. I shall now bid goodbye. wanna have my rest now. Lunch time liao. It's sleeping time.. !!
Its Party Time!
Oh morning bloggers! Happy Happy Friday....Woohoo!
wads so good today you tell me? well lemme tell u 1st.
1st of all. its Friday and yes. ofcoz.. weekend is here. 2ndly, me and gfs gonna meet up.. gather ourselves go somewhere (surprise) for the bride to be.. 3rdly, tonight after the hen's party with gfs.. im heading down to Esplanade to watch N.E.R.D live in concert with RuxtA. Ohhh... yummy pharell william..
so good so nice. Friday I love.!!
And tmr we will be doing our indoor/outdoor shoot.. I really really hope the weather is gonna be extra fine tomorrow. Insya'allah.
Few more months til big day... Feeling all nervous already but equally excited!!
The Mammoth Shoot
4th April 2009 (Saturday)
Clueless of what it's all about? Let's just put it that we're going to witness something historical in the book of SG Hip Hop and we want YOU to support him by just coming down with your Hip Hop Phamlay/Clique or whatever you call them and together with other SG Hip Hop Phamlay that you might already know or may not heard of; all with the same mission to promote SG Hip Hop!!
If you're down with the whole agenda, do gether your Phamlay members and get back to us with the details of your Phamlay in this format:-
Email/Contact No:
No. of members:
Add a paragraph about your Phamlay details (How it started, why that name, etc)
Send us your details to Yasin ( & Showstars.Inc ( by 29th March 2009. We hope to hear from ya'll soon and most of all hope to see ya'll there to promote SG Hip Hop and mark a historical event for SG.
Below is the man himself and some of his work.

Media Ref by Mr 36 Flickr
Written: RuxtA.Showstars
Posted: Narayumi.Showstars
Support SG Hip Hop!
Miss them love them
I know there aint no point of me to state all these. But sometimes my actions are less but my words are more that what they all are.
wadeva it is. please meet me up this coming friday.
sleepy monday..
tired. drained out. over the wkends. discussed with family on some issues. colour coordination and more. and yea finally went for 2 days marriage course over the wkend. got acquainted with cool nice couples. especially the ones who sat on the same table as us. all giler and sembarang :) got the certs laminated yesterday too. *winks*
now. dead tired. just got back from site for the barcoding project. hungry and more.
got the quotation for the rings and all i can say is thanks! to yanni and hussain from Gems by Gems. will get back to them by tomorrow morning.. as soon as RuxtA said the OK to proceed.
happy sleepy monday ppl..
friday randomness!
taking 2 roles now. project and my day-to-day job too. busy busy. super busy. but loving every moment of it. its been a while I conducted training sessions with users. and now this project is rather interesting. as logistic are embarking on barcoding and scanning and stuffs like that. I am playing with the gadget rite now as if it was an old skul bulky handset. except that its a barcode scanner. still i played it like its a toy. exploring every button to know if it can do a CTRL+C and CTRL+V. they could but set differently. ok its so damn fucking random now.
lunch time and i don feel like eating. heavy breakfast. nasi lemak sia what do u expect rite?
and thinking of colouring my hair dark again. blueblack/brownish red.?? hmm we'll see. tired of blonde streaks liao. well sick of it for now. a new hair color before wedding :) yea yea.. u must be saying "colour rambut lagi..!!" LOL.
ok i shall stop now. this weekend going for kursus. and 3 more months to big day. more to come. more concrete discussion with family. awaiting for the rings quotation. can't wait can't wait. and march too many weddings to attend. seriously. it just makes my heart thumps harder. makes me excited and nervous at the same time.
nonetheless. happy friday ppl. oh btw, my boyfriend coming down to SG. like seriously..
N.E.R.D!!!!! 19th march. Esplanade. Drool.. Pharell...
weekend aftermath
saturday was filled with rain and more rain. youth park. slap.bands. emcees. graf. bboys. boys dancing enjoying themselves. baby naily. girls. pictures. longjohn. hajilane. sup. peepshow. killer gerbil. booze. coke zero. cake. more girls. more boys. more pics. he's just not that into you. 3+am. sleep!
yes. got home at 3plus. snored away. but awake at 9am. went to fetch mak. went to yishun met up with aunts and cousins. mak send her gold kain for my bigday. farah too send her baby blue sweet songket for my bigday :)
and oh more rain. chilled at aunt's place til 5. off to jur west. by cab (i was that lazy). sent mak home. safely :) and off to see ruxtA sleep. yes. best gitu. i was sleepy but endured. finally watch vcd "my bestfriend's girl". since he already watched a chic flick movie, i made him watch another chic flick movie. oh btw he's not that into you was the boys idea. not mine. strange.
pics will be up soonest. promise!
Thurdays Tralala
Gonna head down to Esplanade later on simply for these..
Rhymes & Reason: Bless "An acoustic Rap/Soul session"
19th Febuary 2009
1900hrs - 2100hrs
Concourse, The Esplanade
Just Can't Get Enough "A Depeche Mode Tribute..."
19th Febuary 2009
2000hrs - 2200hrs
Recital Studio, The Esplanade
Admission: $28 /$20 (Students/NSF)
Catch local longest-lasting reggae band, Bushmen and local hip-hop talent Freaky Z, with special appearance of RuxtA, Shino, Jay-One, Rauzan and many more this Thursday.
Yup. Gonna support the boys and ofcoz.. skanking my thursday to Bushmen!!
Puma "Tommie Smith" Suede Black
Saw this pair last saturday. I shall get this soon and so will be even with RuxtA. Since he has a pair of Puma already.. I shall stock up a pair of Puma too. :)
Things I do for love.. Awwwww *wide smile*
clearing boxes
Last evening as I was fickling my mind whether to head down to Haji Lane to get a Sup Tee, I soon found myself boarding the company bus HOME. yup. That's me, MOST of the times.
And so I took some of my time after dinner to clean up my junks. boxes after boxes were cleared. Tho I have more to go and my wardrobe to be clean up too. I found lots of old pictures especially neoprints of me & RuxtA, me & cousins, me & starbucks "cheerleaders", me & ex-bestfriends and me together with my polygfs. yup and that I TRULY miss! I nearly cried looking at them. Yes. I miss them alot. Tho I am neva there now, I do still think of them.
Oh!I have placed all the neoprints in 1 box and soon I will be organising them all in a pretty album. :)
My nieces, nephew and SIL enjoyed the moments last night coz I gave away my still in good condition shades, wallet, bags, accessories to them. :) Next another 2 more boxes and clothes to give away to my nieces. I intend to clear as much as 70% of them so I need not bring so many to my new "devilish" bedroom. Wee!
My January Beauties
Friday, 13th. RuxtA's fav day and so I feel like posting my january beauties. The things I purchased on my birthday month and the thing I did. These 3 things are gifts from Me to Me.
My G-Shock Pink Watch
My Nike Air Max 90 (Black + Lime Green + Purple)
And finally My Nape Piercing :)
Sometimes I do feel I am like a Misfit, weird in my own way. But I still like the expression of each individual when they saw it and i told them the whole procedure.
to most they go "euuwww...! or kau giler!"
I have been feeling down lately. All seemed monotonous. the low spirit doesn't really help me much adapting to the new environment. As I look myself in the mirror, face and body all seem to be NOT ok.
No RuxtA, it's not because of u at all that I am in this state. Probably I was not mentally prepared for all of this to happen just too soon. Apart from all this, I am very much excited for our big day. Penning down the important dates for our pre-marriage course, Romm registration, Indoor/Outdoor Photoshoot, etc.
But thankfully after 4 days here, I am getting use to it. (I guess) and so today is T.G.I.F. No reason for me to be gloomy, rite? and ofcoz.. I made a plan to meet up with my starbucks liat towers "cheerleaders". sad to know rinn won't be able to join us. We all gotta understand that fitness trainer is always busy. busy buffing up other ppl's body. Haha.
Well surprised myself that out of many ppl, I planned for a gathering. Yes I miss these girls alot. We only meet once/twice/thrice a year, but we all know we always remember each other. Furthermore what best time to meet as 3 of us (aisha, myself and rinn (in order)) are getting hitch this year and ana will have her big day most probably next year or so. For Aisha and myself, we have known each other for 10 years. She is finally getting hitch after 12 years together and myself after 10 years.
All I can say my r/s with girlfriends aren't that much to dwell about. I MIA almost all the time or not invited/informed or so. No hard feelings there girls. I've kept it for long and so I decided to pen it down now. It's now or never rite. Honestly I have put all that behind me and I respected whatever you all are doing. I am just happy and glad to know that all of you are doing fine, meeting up frequently and most of all in good health and happy. :) That matters most to me. Cause I am not that sort who knows how to express my true friendship, but when I do (sometimes people don't appreciate me) so I merely don't matter anymore about nitty gritty things.
So I can't wait to have girls time this evening. It's been so damn long.. months or wait a year or so. Nxt official gathering with them again will be 7th March. (All 4 will be present. All were informed 2 months in adv so book that date!!)
For today, my gloomy feeling gonna stop. Weekend is here. Woohoo!
Happy Advance V Day to all.
White Rave Pink
Nike Women Air Max 1 White Rave Pink
Oh yes. another beauty. ahhh.. some girls adore branded bags and shoes and etc. honestly i can't afford. but strangely if i save up more. i could actually purchase expensive nike shoes. but i know they are not as expensive as those labels. really lor..
Kicks Galore!
Nike Air Jordan 1 Retro Mid Polka Dot
Another must have. Since Air Jordan 1 Retro in Black & Gold is totally out of stock. This is a must have. Arrggh.. But at the moment no release info yet. damn! Read more here.
Madness!! Adidas Original SS09! Read more bout it here.Information and pictures are credit of Kix-Files.Com
Diana Pink
Would like to have this. sucha beauty. Diana Pink.
It ain't that bad today. I could slowly adapt. In fact, I took the extra mile for myself to arrange shuttle service from my fav yard to the new yard. To and Fro.
Yes that is how much I really like this environment.
One thing for sure. I hate adapting & I suck at it!