The Mammoth Shoot
4th April 2009 (Saturday)
4th April 2009 (Saturday)
Are YOU a Hip Hopper?? Do YOU have your own Phamlay(Family)?? Do YOU know how many Hip Hop Phamlays are there in the scene now in SG?? Well well well.. YOU will soon know because after he had spoken, Mr 36 aka Yasin Rahim is organising "The Mammoth Shoot".
Clueless of what it's all about? Let's just put it that we're going to witness something historical in the book of SG Hip Hop and we want YOU to support him by just coming down with your Hip Hop Phamlay/Clique or whatever you call them and together with other SG Hip Hop Phamlay that you might already know or may not heard of; all with the same mission to promote SG Hip Hop!!
If you're down with the whole agenda, do gether your Phamlay members and get back to us with the details of your Phamlay in this format:-
Email/Contact No:
No. of members:
Add a paragraph about your Phamlay details (How it started, why that name, etc)
Send us your details to Yasin ( & Showstars.Inc ( by 29th March 2009. We hope to hear from ya'll soon and most of all hope to see ya'll there to promote SG Hip Hop and mark a historical event for SG.
Clueless of what it's all about? Let's just put it that we're going to witness something historical in the book of SG Hip Hop and we want YOU to support him by just coming down with your Hip Hop Phamlay/Clique or whatever you call them and together with other SG Hip Hop Phamlay that you might already know or may not heard of; all with the same mission to promote SG Hip Hop!!
If you're down with the whole agenda, do gether your Phamlay members and get back to us with the details of your Phamlay in this format:-
Email/Contact No:
No. of members:
Add a paragraph about your Phamlay details (How it started, why that name, etc)
Send us your details to Yasin ( & Showstars.Inc ( by 29th March 2009. We hope to hear from ya'll soon and most of all hope to see ya'll there to promote SG Hip Hop and mark a historical event for SG.
Below is the man himself and some of his work.

Media Ref by Mr 36 Flickr
Written: RuxtA.Showstars
Posted: Narayumi.Showstars
Support SG Hip Hop!
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