17th Feb/18th Feb
I had a family gathering at my 1st bro's crib. before dat i was at work. doing overtime for 1hr. den headed down to pasir ris. constantly bugging my cusins since morning if dey have any plans at nite. reason! i was super bored. answers were disappointing at first. bt when i was otw home, dear cusin ati smsed me and walla. planned to meet up and dey fetching me at 1145. i reached home at 1115. washed up and walked out again. bought tix for Norbit at 225am. Mac for Supper and MaCafe coffee for them while I sticked to my usual Starbucks. Yup! Caramel Machiato. Cusins mentioned me nie mengada-ngada. ok sori. me used to it. cant help it. haha. ok maybe i was alil ngada2. haha. den again i got wat i want so yeahness! for me. but i thanked my cusins and their other half for 'making' fun of my pink streak. bluek!
19th Feb
Good Vibration was awesome. Minus the part where a white man with his bitch who blocked our farking view. But I still had fun.
PS: Dear fiance, im sori if i was very vulgar and violent at dat moment. miss u. gd luck for tmr's semi final. Public X gonna rock da place for sho'.
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